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Words do not end

For the last two or three years, there was a big discussion about the end of the world in December 2012. When this matter came to my knowledge, I wrote a detailed article on it. The article, after giving the background to the prediction, stated that it was a fraud similar to the one that was spread about the failure of all computers at the beginning of the year 2000. I usually write things after a lot of research and try to get all kinds of perspectives. In this background I had registered myself on a website created by those who believed this prediction to be true and they were constantly sending updates in this regard.


December 2012 came and gone. The world and its business continued as before. I was thinking that this website and its updates must have stopped by now. But in January I received an email from the same website. In which it was stated that although December has passed, the real disaster will come in 2013. They also wrote many things in favor of their truth.

I read this email and it didn’t make me laugh. Because the society in which I live, every day I come in contact with such writings and such people who do not run out of words. Even after seeing every truth exposed and every fact naked in the mirror of arguments, people do not believe. People continue to create a meaningless point in response to every obvious point and an irrelevant point in response to every argument. They consider their feelings and prejudices as the ultimate truth and repeat their words shameless boldness. These are the people who will not accept the truth even on the Day of Resurrection. Their meaningless words will not end even on that day. That is why their mouths will be sealed with shame and their organs will tell the truth. But this truth will not help them.