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Evolution and Extrinsic Guidance

The Tragedy of Modern Thought

For the past several centuries, Western nations have occupied the position of world leadership and dominance. This rise of the West began with the academic and intellectual revolution known as the Renaissance and Enlightenment movements. While those movements had many effects, one result was that the belief in God was no longer the central idea of humankind. Even God’s existence was rejected in later times. God’s denial is considered an accepted thought even today to the extent of scholars and intellectuals.

Darwin’s theory of evolution (Charles Robert Darwin 1809-1882) academically provided the basis to reject God. At the end of the nineteenth century, in his famous book Origin of Species, he presented the view that a possible scientific explanation for the existence and survival of life is that life began at an elementary level and gradually evolved into more complex forms of life and human-like creatures.

After Darwin, the modern scientific development of the twentieth century raised many questions which shook the foundations of the theory of evolution. But unfortunately, the modern world and people of knowledge are not ready to accept the existence of God. It is because, after rejecting the theory of evolution as a justification for human existence, if they have to believe in God, then as an alternative, they are left with the same traditional religions that they have already rejected. Human history and their ideas rejected the fundamentalism of Idolatry of Hinduism, the heroworship of Christianity, and the racism of Judaism long ago. It is obvious that no rational person can accept these interpretations of religion even if they have to acknowledge an irrational theory like evolution.

The modern thought process is going through an unusual misfortune. For that, how much we mourn, the less it is. However, Muslims also have a significant role in giving birth to this tragedy. They have the ultimate divine truth in the form of the Holy Quran, which is safe from all human deviations. But unfortunately, Muslims are not interested in this. Rather than carrying out the communication part of a middle nation between God and humanity, they have preferred the role of a nation, not ready to rise above national interests, whims, and prejudices.

Weakness of proponents of the theory of evolution

Right now, this is not our topic. Our main issue is to expose the fundamental weakness of the theory of evolution and its supporters’ perspective. In our opinion, the main drawback of the current thinking of the proponents of the theory of evolution is that instead of considering it as a means of arriving at the facts, they have made it a dogma. Its followers ignore all scientific facts and adopt it as an alternative belief to not believing in God. No matter how much truth comes against their faith, its followers continue to talk nonsense because of their radicalism. They do not pause even for a minute to realize how the opponent has pulled scientific ground from under the feet of their “faith”.

Evolution with Direction

The theory of evolution has two aspects: one based on known observations and another based on mere guesses and speculations. The first type of evolution is an undeniable fact of the universe. It is an absolute principle of the universe from which no object is exempted. Whether it is the process of the Earth changing from a hot ball of gas to a living paradise or whether it is a matter of the development of a complete human being from the sperm in the mother’s womb. Every creative process reaches its destination by following the steps of evolution. Especially the case of a child from a zygote to a complete human being is a daily observation. Every person knows that his existence in this world did not come in one day and in one moment. Instead, a person is born in the mother’s womb through different stages.

This type of evolution, based on observation, has a remarkable fact. It takes place in a specific direction, and its destination is determined. Every step and every turn is fixed toward that destination. The entire map of that destination is present in the Genome. A genome is a collection of DNA, which is a collection of complete information and instructions related to every aspect of life. It is present in the center of every cell of the living body. It is like a computer program determining what will happen at what stage.

A great miracle

In humans, the Genome consists of three billion DNA pairs. This Genome is not an arbitrary script but a complete plan and interlinked map that works significantly to give birth to a substantial creature, i.e., a human being. A being born as a full-fledged baby that starts its journey from a zygote in the mother’s womb not only transformes into five trillion cells but comes into this world with every possible necessity: head, heart, brain, hands, and feet. This journey from one cell to five trillion cells follows the exact instructions of the Genome. It appears to be evolution, but in the background, there is a complete plan of a planning entity giving the right direction to this evolution at every point of the creative process.

This guidance process continues beyond what we see with our eyes in everyday life. This guidance is happening in more than one place simultaneously. It is only possible when an external force fully aware of everything controls the entire situation. For example, a newborn baby cannot take regular human food immediately. So, miraculously, his biological mother’s body becomes his source of nourishment. Not only does the mother’s existence provide him with milk, but surprisingly, it is sufficient to meet every child’s need. And until today, no better food than mother’s milk has been discovered.

It is just one example; otherwise, the universe and all its parts are more than perfectly compatible to sustain this tiny baby and all other life forms. For example, the distance of the Earth from the sun, which is necessary to maintain a specific temperature, a certain proportion of gases in the atmosphere, the existence of water on the Earth, and millions of other things that are directly and indirectly necessary for the survival of life. The presence of all these in one place makes it clear that this is not the result of luck and coincidence but the outcome of the power and intention of a conscious being.

The ignorants who see evolution as a dogma and a replacement of God say that all this came by chance due to a long evolutionary process. In the universe, organisms evolved spontaneously from life-friendly planets like Earth to complex structures like genomes and DNA. But even here, science states that this is an illusion and an impossible idea.

To recognize this fact, we only take the example of the human Genome. As mentioned above, it consists of 3 billion DNA pairs in humans. It is estimated that if a person has to type 60 words per minute continuously for eight hours a day for 50 years, then it may be possible to write one human Genome. This example gives an idea of the level of detail it contains. Keep in mind here that in everything, meaning and life only ascend when organized in a certain way, whether it is a matter of meaningful life in the world, a text written by human hands, or a human genome. Let’s take another example to understand how likely a significant detailed text like this could be written by chance.

Mathematical proof

A beginner student in mathematics knows that by permutation, we can determine “in how many possible ways we can arrange the elements of a set.” For example, there are 26 letters in English, and any word written in English is composed of them. Below, I will explain the results obtained from the procedure rather than describing the permutation procedure. So there are 26 possible ways to write a one-letter word from the 26 English alphabet letters. For a two-syllable word, 650; for three, 15600; for four, 358800; and for a five-syllable term, 7893600 possible methods can be used. It means that if you or I write the five-letter word of Allah, it will be written in a second without a pause. But if this task is left in the hands of luck or chance, then after writing 7893600 words, one can be confident that one of these words will be Allah.

It is just a matter of one word. Now imagine three billion meaningful instructions arranged in a certain way, requiring so much time to bring them into such an ordered form that by multiplying trillions of years by trillions, no words can describe that time. In contrast, we know that our universe is not eternal, that over an infinite period, the matter goes under these kinds of experiments from the womb of chance or luck and gives birth to a meaningful genome. It is known that the age of this Earth is not more than 4 billion years. Scientifically, it is impossible that this coincidence could have happened in four billion years.

All this can come into existence only when a Creator initiates everything from the creation process and brings it step by step to its perfection under His guidance. Life starts from a very simple form to a very complex structure in this world. The path from which it reaches its destination has thousands of twists and turns. Every turn could lead creation far from its destination to its present form. But everywhere, nature takes an accurate turn. And finally, only that entity comes into existence, which is highly meaningful and beneficial to the surrounding universe. Everything in this world is so complicated and surprising that either a person considers it as an expression of the intention of a creator or otherwise, instead of taking the name of Allah or God, a person takes the name of nature or mother nature and makes it responsible for all the work that God Almighty is doing.

Obviously, what can be remarked on this foolishness? No sane person could believe for a moment that such a complicated but meaningful life and such extraordinary arrangements for maintaining that life could result from a blind, deaf matter and purposeless convergence of coincidences. The fact is that every creature in this world is giving evidence that it has a creator. It is by no means a coincidence but a result of an intention. The more science has clarified the wonders of this universe, the more critical it is to believe in God. The real misfortune is that after believing in God, the religions that come up in His name are also unreasonable. In such a case, Islam is the only religion whose natural and balanced teachings are equally acceptable to people of all ages.

Translated by Rukia Kulthum