Articles Two people – Maulana Wahiduddin Khan Inzaar May 1, 2023 Musaylimah Kazzab was a resident of Yamamah which was area of Najd. This place is now called Jubail. He claimed…
Articles Invisible eyes see – Humayun Mujahid Tarar Inzaar Apr 26, 2023 The house at the corner of the street, has installed a CCTV camera. It is a small security guard, covering whole…
Articles Manners – Dr. Ashfaq Inzaar Apr 17, 2023 Right in front of the house is a historic school that was built by the ruler of Swat with the help of the…
Articles Doubt and delusion Dr Muhammad Aqeel Khan Mar 17, 2023 I was walking in the park when I suddenly felt someone running alongside me. I ignored but the sound kept coming. …
Articles Full Glass Empty Glass Abu Yahya Mar 13, 2023 If a glass on a table is half full, there are two ways to see, understand and explain it. One is that the glass is…
Articles Power Dr Muhammad Aqeel Khan Feb 24, 2023 It is said that of all the drugs, power addiction has the most effect. Normally power corrupts a person and he…
Articles That Stranger Abu Yahya Feb 19, 2023 If a human is defined in a single sentence then it is that being, who is an epitome of sensitivity and dependency.…
Articles Prediction Abu Yahya Feb 8, 2023 Arthur C. Clarke was a famous author who was considered a futurist (a person who predicts future). His interview to…
Articles A new Great Wall of China – Riaz Ali Khattak Inzaar Feb 3, 2023 The Gobi Desert is in the north of China. China was paying the price of being a neighbour of this great desert by…
Articles Woman, Man and Heaven Abu Yahya Feb 1, 2023 In modern times, society's attitude towards the status of women has generally changed dramatically. Therefore, many…