Articles How to remain humble while doing good deeds Abu Yahya Mar 9, 2020 The best way to deal with the problem of boasting and bragging about a good deed is to remind oneself of the fact…
Articles Trust Issues with spouse Abu Yahya Feb 17, 2020 What should be done if husband has trust issues with his wife and has doubts about her faithfulness and vice versa?…
Articles How to seek forgiveness and how to forgive Abu Yahya Feb 9, 2020 How to apologize? And how to react to the apology? What is the right way to apologize once we have offended…
Articles The Blessing of deprivation Abu Yahya Jan 7, 2020 There is no bigger torment in the world of humans than deprivation, and there is no bigger blessing than…
Articles The Character of Mustafa – Unparalleled Indeed Abu Yahya Jan 7, 2020 Endurance and patience are two important scales to judge the characteristic trait of a person. Then there are…
Articles Why is Idolatry (Shirk) an unforgivable sin? Abu Yahya Jan 7, 2020 Answer The punishment of Shirk as narrated by the Quran is that Allah SWT will never forgive shirk as it is such a…
Articles Alive Prayer Abu Yahya Dec 21, 2019 Usually people complain of lack of focus and attentiveness during prayers. They get all sort of distracting…
Articles So then, Let us assume… Abu Yahya Dec 13, 2019 Let us assume that tonight you have to go on a wedding with your wife. Both of you go to the bank and take out all…
Articles Confirmed entry in jannah Abu Yahya Nov 17, 2019 Glad tidings of confirmed entry in Jannah (Heaven) at the time of death – any evidence from Quran?Answer There…
Articles What is the concept of intercession on the Day of Judgment? Abu Yahya Nov 4, 2019 Answer First, we need to understand the meaning of word intercession. Intercession means intervening on behalf of…