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Pakistani Nation and Gog Magog

God is making different nations in the world go through the process of rise and fall. In known history, this matter begins with the children of Prophet Noah (peace be upon him). When Noah’s ark stopped at Mount Jodi in Turkey, his three sons Sam, Ham and Japheth were also with him. The Holy Qur’an has made it clear that these were the sons of Noah (peace be upon him) whose generations have survived and stabilised on the earth in the coming ages (Al-Safaat 37:77).

The way it shaped was that people periodically started migrating to different areas and overpowering the local population. Studying the ancient history shows that the descendants of Ham, the son of Noah (peace be upon him) first established great civilizations and empires in the world. They were mostly established in Africa because a large part of his descendants migrated to Africa. Then came the number of Semitic nations who mostly inhabited the Middle East. The last major group to establish their rule on earth was the Arabs, followed by the Rashidun Caliphate, then the Umayyad Caliphate, and finally the Abbasid Caliphate, which Halaku Khan ended in 1258.

This is the stage in which the descendants of Japheth, the third son of Prophet Noah (peace be upon him), began to dominate the world. Japheth’s descendants, being uncivilized and nomadic for a long time, spread widely over the world in search of food and pastures. From Japan to Russia, Turkey to India, North Asia to Europe and then to America and Australia in modern times, these people spread and overpowered the local populations. Halaku Khan was a Tatar ruler who belonged to the Japheth dynasty. However, later, on one hand, the Mongols became Muslims and on the other hand, the Turkic tribes belonging to the descendants of Japheth became Muslims, whose descendants established great governments like the Ottoman Caliphate and the Mughal Empire. All of them were Muslims, but in fact the era of Japheth’s descendants had then begun. The white nations of Europe and America, the red nations of Russia, the yellow nations of the Middle East and the Far East, and the brown people of the subcontinent are all descendants of Japheth and in the modern era, they are climbing the stairs of domination and development one after another.

The dominance of Noah’s children mentioned by the Holy Quran in Surah Al-Safaat, its peak has been described as the domination of the world by Gog Magog (Al-Anbiya 21:96). Gog Magog was a group of Japheth’s children that is mentioned in the ancient heavenly scriptures. This is the background in which the Holy Qur’an uses the words Gog Magog instead of Japheth’s children.

Pakistan has been a destination for migrants and invaders from Central Asia since ancient times. In this sense, the vast majority of Pakistanis are actually a sub-group of Japheth’s, which includes some semitic and hamitic blood, in addition to local people. Due to this combination of different races, the people here are very talented and since this is the era of the emergence of the Japheth, the Pakistani nation is qualified in every aspect for development and dominance in the world.

The real problem of this nation is the promotion of negative thinking, pessimistic psychology and bad moral education. If the mind of this nation becomes positive and its character becomes under high moral principles, then no power in the world can stop it from progressing. There is a great opportunity for the Pakistani nation to remove itself from all irrelevant things and accept the call of faith and morals, then no power in the world can stop it from becoming a great superpower.