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Search for a Hero

Every human being has a natural inclination to create and admire a hero in their lives. For some, this hero is none other than themselves. Like the Daffodils gazing at its reflection in the water, they become enamored with their own image, falling prey to self-love and vanity.

For others, the hero exists outside themselves. But since there are no real superman in this world, people begin projecting the qualities of superman onto the heroes they choose. Depending on their preferences and circumstances, this hero might be a religious or national leader, an athlete, an artist, or even someone within their personal circle.

In this process, people often overlook an essential truth: behind every hero lie countless factors that contribute to their success. Without these factors, any hero could easily be reduced to a mere zero. Yet, blinded by admiration and awe, we spend our lives glorifying and elevating these mortal heroes, unaware of their limitations.

God is Great! God is Great!. It is only God Almighty who is truly complete and sufficient. He is perfect and complete in Himself, dependent on no one. He is the possessor of ultimate beauty, yet remains indifferent to being admired. He is the Ever-Living, independent of anyone for His existence. The one who creates the miracles of craftsmanship in every moment, yet He relies on no mortal being to reveal His artistry.

Ah, how humans carve idols and create heroes, forgetting the true Beloved—the one and only God, the peak of perfection. He is the original and eternal hero of the universe. But alas, just as the disbeliever fails to see God, even the believer often overlooks His grandeur. Otherwise, the search for a hero would end.

Translated by Ali Zafar