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Those Who Attain Laylat al-Qadr

Laylat al-Qadr (The Night of Decree) is the night of great decisions. From the Quran, we learn that during this night, Allah’s wise decrees are distributed among the angels for implementation. Angel Gabriel, along with other angels, descends to Earth with these decrees. One of the greatest examples of these decisions is the revelation of the Quran, which is Allah’s greatest blessing upon humanity. Following the revelation of the Quran, three great generations rose over the next thousand months, changing the course of human history forever. This night is a night of peace until the break of dawn.

When a person stands in worship on this night, fully aware of this significance, they come to realize that the cosmos is being governed by a Supreme Being who is both All-Powerful and Infinitely Generous. This universe is not a result of random chance, being pulled towards some unknown destination by a chain of accidents. The burning stars and the icy voids of space, along with the delicate balance and harmony of the Earth, are all manifestations of the craftsmanship of a Majestic and Supreme Creator.

This Creator is not one who made the world and then sat back in idleness; rather, seated upon the Throne of Power, He is constantly managing the affairs of the universe every moment and every second. His gaze is on every atom, and He is fully aware of the days and nights of our lives. The purpose of our existence is to earn His pleasure, so that on the Day of Judgment, when the Almighty takes His seat on the Throne of Justice, His final decision for us will be: “I have forgiven this son or daughter of Adam. I have saved them from every torment of Hell and granted them a place in the everlasting comforts of Paradise.”

Whoever realizes this truth about the Almighty on the Night of Decree, they are the ones who truly attain Laylat al-Qadr.

Translated by Taqi Ahmed