Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

Travel Observations

I am not particularly eager to travel, but usually, I have to travel more than other people. The traveling part is quite inconvenient to me, but one aspect of travel makes it worth it. A journey takes a person out of everyday life and to extraordinary situations. Meeting new people, new circumstances and events, and getting familiar with new places are those qualities of traveling that give life to a thinking mind. The feeling of travel opens the eyes of those thoughts that are closed in everyday situations. In an airplane, when I am in a state of travel, I try to make the circumstances and events food for my mind that happened to me.

My TV program shifted to Lahore after being in my city for many years, so I had to travel continuously to record TV programs for several months. During this time, the observations and impressions that occurred on different occasions left their imprints on the page of my mind, and sometimes I was able to transfer them to writing paper. I want to share those impressions with you in today’s meeting. To create a connection, I will describe all those events and observations in the background of a single journey.

Man and Woman

It is my habit while traveling that if needed, I prefer to use the airport’s lounge washroom instead of the plane’s washroom because going to the restroom while traveling by aircraft also causes discomfort to the people sitting next to me. And the airport washrooms are spacious compared to the cramped washrooms of the airplane. Once while going to the washroom, I noticed that all over the world, male and female toilets are built separately. That made me wonder what will be the comment of those who believe that men and women are entirely equal. Not only in the case of a washroom, but the same is true in many other cases. For example, this difference between men and women can be seen clearly in every sports field. A man never competes with a woman but always with a man like himself, while a woman competes with a woman. The washroom example shows that men and women are psychologically separated, while the sports example shows that men and women are physically different. This scenario becomes clearer when men and women get equal opportunities to work in the same field. Looking at the data of men and women working in business organizations worldwide, you will know which position holds more people of which gender. Regardless of the individual’s abilities, men can withstand more physical and mental stress and deal more aggressively.

It does not mean that women have an inferior position to men as human beings. As a human being, Allah has created them both equally. Instead, there are many matters and places in life where women are in a superior position. However, it is a fact that women are certainly different from men. That is the background in which Islam has distinguished between women and men in many of its commands. Giving men a higher status in family matters and giving more responsibility to women on the occasion of mixing between men and women, Allah gave concession due to the same distinction. Likewise, in some instances, women have been given partial privilege in prayer and complete exemption from the responsibilities of Jihad and bread earning, etc.

Religion and Civilization

The nature of my flight had usually been something like that the Friday call to prayer takes place at the airport. I have observed this matter many times; as soon as the call to prayer began, all the middle-aged women in the lounge unconsciously put their dupatta (scarf or shawl) on their heads. In contrast, no young woman or young girl did it.

The dupatta is an exquisite expression of the unity of religion and culture. It is the most beautiful part of the feminine dress. Women put it in the corner while doing housework and don’t need it in front of other ladies of the house, husband, and kids. But when dealing with people outside this circle, she uses it very graciously to conceal her beauty and femininity. Taking it on the head in front of an older person to show respect has also been one of our highest cultural traditions. In this background, it has been customary in the homes of Muslims that even if women are alone at home, they take a dupatta on their head as soon as they hear the Azan (call for prayer). It is not only an extraordinary expression of immense love and reverence for Allah but also a signal from the woman that she is ready for prayer. Because, unlike men, for women, taking a dupatta on their heads in prayer is a necessary part of the prayer.

But now the times are changing; the dupatta is used only as a fashion. The practice of taking it on the head has more or less disappeared. The women of the previous generation took it on the head during the call to prayer. They have not taught this to the next generation, which is why today’s generation does not do it. Now women don’t train the next generation. They hand them over to TV. The girls grown-up watching TV do not take the dupatta on their heads, even during the call to prayer. In this way, not only the dupatta goes away from the head, but soon the respect of God also goes away. And finally, the prayer also goes away. After prayer, faith also goes away. If belief in God goes away, then the devil comes into life, then after that, there is every possibility that the destiny of man will become hell instead of heaven—the hell where the blazing fire will tear the skin of the rebellious. If Allah’s command comes, a new skin will reemerge and a similar reddish-black fire will arrive to collect the tax. Mothers who hand over their daughters to TV should remember that those parents who get upset over the slightest discomfort of their children should prepare them for the beautiful abode of heaven and not for the torment of hell.

Advertisement and Preacher

In the airport, there are always different advertisements. One ad for life insurance featured a married couple. I noticed the ad showed the girl as a very young wife and the husband as a man in his 40s. The age gap was conveying subtly to the male observers that they would pass away before their wives, so the wife and children should be insured. It was not appropriate to say in words, so they adopted an intangible approach.

Marketing and advertising have become highly developed in the modern era as it aims to influence people to buy products and, therefore, companies also consider human psychology, among other aspects. A preacher should also have the same aptitude. To sell the product of heaven in the world, one has to think about human psychology and the mental capacity of humans.. But sadly, first of all, our pious people call to everything except heaven. Even those who call to heaven think that there is no such thing as wisdom and good disposition in this world; the listener has no psychology but must accept what they have said in a good or bad way. Otherwise, all the evil is in the listener, and we have no responsibility. Our preachers neither show responsibility in understanding the religion nor explaining it. In such a situation, if rational people do not come towards religion, nothing is surprising.

Passenger and destination

During the journey, everyone can see that the people sitting in the airport lounge are eating, drinking, and fulfilling other needs. But all their attention is on the gate only; they have to pass to sit on the plane. They get ready to board the aircraft as soon as the announcement starts.

A believer lives in this world in the same way. Birth, youth, marriage, home, children, etc.; all these stages of life for him are just like a passenger passes through various stages of an airport and finally sits in the lounge. He sees the world as an airport lounge where he does everything necessary, but all his attention is only towards that call that will come from the Lord, and he will reach the destination of heaven where the best pleasures and comforts await him. But it is a pity that today we Muslims have also become fond of the world just like other nations. If other nations do so, they have the excuse that they are not aware of the concept of the Hereafter, but our Qur’an mentions heaven and hell so frequently. What is the justification for us to forget the Hereafter?

The Basant (kite flying festival)

I was in Lahore on the occasion of Basant. Basant is a seasonal festival in Punjab. It is celebrated as a symbol of spring and an expression of joy after the cold winter period. Farmers harvest their means of livelihood from the earth’s bosom by enduring the hardships of the whole year. The spring season brings the promise of happiness to those children of the earth. Alike the earth, now the sky will be kind to them for a few months, and they will be in protection from the harshness of the weather. Spring is called Basant in the Hindi language; therefore, this festival is also named Basant. On this occasion, the green fields are full of flowers, so people also dress up in yellow and green clothes following the blooming crops of yellow mustard flowers in the green pastures. In this seasonal festival of happiness, various elements have been merged over time; the most prominent one is kite flying.

The religious circles of our country had been raising objections in various contexts against Basant over the past several years. For example, it is a festival of Hindu civilization. Some said that during the Mughal era, a Hindu got executed for the crime of uttering evil words about Muslims’ holy personalities, and this festival is celebrated to commemorate that event. Some suggested that it should be stopped because of the music and dance on this occasion. In contrast, some said that it is a festival based on extravagance. However, the most serious problem encountered in recent times is the problem of the killing of innocent children by kite strings. Besides that, many people die due to electrocution, falling from the roof, and firing on the occasion of Basant.

In 2005, the Supreme Court banned kite flying due to the strong protests by the people for the loss of lives. But the Punjab government had permitted people to celebrate Basant for two days in Punjab, i.e., the 24th and 25th of February. A holiday was also announced for the first time on this occasion. During Basant Night, most parts of the city were decorated with lights. I saw these lights on my way to the studio. People here told me that the actual Basant is being celebrated in the old city, where there is an elaborate arrangement of music and firing to dispel the silence of the night and a grand display of lights to drive away the darkness. Throughout the night, people would climb on their roofs, fly kites, and shout Bo Kata slogans. In contrast, kite flying on Basant was not arranged well in the high-class areas. Friends from Lahore informed me that there are other types of “kite flying” in these areas, for which climbing up the roof is unnecessary, rather  its better to stay under the roof.

People continued to sleep till daybreak, and once again, the sky of Lahore city got crowded with kites everywhere in the afternoon. When this commotion ended, many precious lives, including children, were lost. The casualties from strangling due to kites’ strings in Lahore were comparatively less this time. Because, on the one hand, people were avoiding their motorcycles. Those who had to drive, semi-circled their scooters with the cord from the headlight to the back. Thus they remained safe from the murderous string that cuts the throat like soap in a moment.

I think Basant has become a political issue, with the government on one side, which sees it as a symbol of enlightenment. And on the other side, religious elements consider that showy music, dancing, and other nonsense acts against religious education. So they start an extreme protest against it. Right now, it has become a humanitarian problem. After the death of innocent children and people, all the conscious elements have become firmly against the acts of this commotion due to which innocent lives get lost. However, I noticed great enthusiasm for this festival among ordinary people. Everyone respects human life, but so far, the consciousness of our people is not so high that they will give up kite flying on the appeal of the government or religious leaders. As for the question of prohibition, it is our misfortune that we consider legal prohibition as a solution to every problem. The real problem is that the sanctity of human life and respect for it has not yet been established in our hearts. Here, every person is a captive of himself. That’s why, as long as there is no funeral around them, it does not reach the ears of ordinary people. In the city of Lahore, with a population of 800,000, the death of a few people is much less in percentage terms. The number of people directly involved in killing innocent people is minimal. Through the media, such news becomes very important to everyone. But this media also presents nonsense entertainment in a very colorful and glamorous way, increasing people’s enthusiasm to celebrate Basant.

What is important is that people’s pastimes should not be restricted nor left entirely unfettered. The real issue to tackle is the promotion of high human values in society; the sanctity of life is one of them. Similarly, extravagance on the occasion of Basant also needs to be brought to people’s attention. Training the public is the actual job to do. Simultaneously, legal measures should be taken to protect the lives of innocent people.

First Class and Economy Class

On my way back, I arrived at the airport checking counter. So I carelessly went to the club counter of PIA. The gentleman on duty there greeted me politely but gave back my ticket and told me to go to the next counter. After this semi-disgrace, it occurred to me that religious people like us consider themselves to be the favorites of the Almighty, but after death, when they try to stand with the highest level of heavenly beings, the angels will remove all their misunderstandings. At that time, it will be not a semi-disgrace but a complete disgrace.

Even while getting off the plane, I noticed that the first-class people were given the first chance to disembark their luggage. Their belongings came first on the belt. Porters were assigned to them. So different types of preference criteria are set for those who pay more to travel in a higher class. It occurred to me that Allah has made two classes in the eternal abode of heaven. One type is of the people who limit themselves to fulfilling their duties of religious orders, and the other is the people who accept religion by sacrificing everything, rising above their prejudices.

While waiting for my luggage on the belt, I thought about how quickly I reached Karachi from Lahore. Just like that, all human beings will rise from the world to the Hereafter. As soon as the high-ranking people will rise from their graves on that day, the angels there will welcome them. They will be treated warmly. They will enter the highest level of Paradise without any interrogation. And people like us will be left standing waiting for our account of deeds.

This life of the world, its first-class bungalows, its cars, its places, its honor, and its position will all be a dream. I prayed from my heart that I wish we would understand this whole scenario before that day came, or else we have to face it at the time of death.

Alas, what a failure; the time of death proved this

What was seen was a dream; what was heard was a short story